Thursday, February 5, 2009

2009 Calendar: February 2nd - 5th - & Baby Shower Invitation

This amazingly HOT vaquero lives/works on an estancia in Argentina. I happened across this photo accidentally, almost 3 years ago, when reading about the history of the Argentine estancias. When I saw him, I lost my ability to read (or think, or make my mouth form sentences), so that ended my estancia research for the time being. Those arms! Ai! That torso! Ai yi! The way those hips narrow ... ai yi yi!! He's been on my 'New Secret (Sorta) Crush' list ever since. He turns up rather frequently, also, on my journal pages. This time I thought he deserved an original poem, hence the 'Ode to a Vaquero'. Open up that hottie Vaquero flap, and here's the rest. A very up/down/back/forth week and it shows on the page. I'm glad for that, actually -- keeping it real! Commissioned by a friend for her new granddaughter, Melanie's, baby shower.


introspection said...

That is such a lovely blog....Congratulations for making it to 'blog of note'.

my blog:


Avery said...

Absolutely fabulous blog. I love the picture of your sorta crush... very nice :)
Congratulations on getting Blog of note.

surekha tangri said...

liked it ,good one

Anonymous said...

That is such a lovely blog....Congratulations for making it to 'blog of note'. :)

Muppet Soul said...

You are inspiring. :)

johnrocks said...

Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “Hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere efforts it’s done.


Baby Shower Invitations