Sunday, December 7, 2008

Update on my friend's son

Thank you so much to everyone who has commented or emailed about my friend's son who was shot last Tuesday night. The young man (I'll call him D) has had quite a rough go -- he has only 30% of his liver remaining, lost one kidney and his gallbladder, and has had a series of surgeries to repair his colon. As of Friday, the staff at I.C.U. was keeping D under sedation, as he continued to require refining surgeries. However, even in his sedated condition, D is able to recognize the voices of his father, his mother, and his brother, and to squeeze their hands. As well, all internal bleeding was stopped the night of the shooting and has not reoccurred, contributing greatly to his stabilization and ongoing improvement. As to the circumstances of the shooting, there are no answers as of yet, just an ongoing investigation. And because of its criminal nature, I won't discuss any of the details of the shooting on this blog as they become available. I don't in any way wish to compromise the situation or the family's chances of apprehending the responsible individual(s). Please definitely keep your prayers and well wishes going.


Candy Bello said...

my o my. Poor fella. yikes!
